Wednesday 1 May 2013


The last of April and first of May is one of the biggest celebrations during the year over here. The city is crazy packed with people in a party mode extraodrinaire. Balloons, pom poms, champagne and piss all over. By age I've started to skip the heavy partying the night before and mainly just go for the MayDay stuff.  And especially this year as we are on our own. So today we just went out with Dag to the countryside to do some gardening; attending my pelargoniums. I did however buy myself one cherry beer for the evening. (Party mode, you know. Really, when did I turn 65?) And I got Dag not only one but two balloons!

It's very windy so let's see if they last the park tomorrow.
Glada Vappen; have a fun May Day!

(And on another note, black beret week continues. The dress is vintage and the rest is old.)


Unknown said...

How fun! I love your outfit, and dag is such a handsome little guy!

Anonymous said...

Happy MayDay! Dag is so beautiful. So is your smile. :-)

Anonymous said...

even if they are old...where did you get theses shoes from ? they are wonderful...

Mountbatten PR Agency said...

Love the photos! They're adorable!

Wandabe said...

mä ajattelin jus sua kun näin cittarissa tuollaisia sugar skull -ilmapalloja :D

Anonymous said...

I really love the mix matched patterns the season and the retro feel to a lot of your outfits! Cute, cute, cute! And so is your little one. :)

Top 40 swimsuits of spring/summer 2013

Miss Maple said...

Love your beret week. They suit you really very good. The second picture is briming over with life or let's say it in French: an outburst of joie de vivre. It looks like you were modelling for a magazine, maybe for young parents.