I was supposed to stay in every night and work but instead I went out with X (formerly knowns as J :) to Tavastia to listen to Teddy and the Tigers and Sixgun Republic.

The cone-cats do not like teir current state but things should change for hte better soon.
wow I really love your drawings, may I ask what medium you use?
and I hope your kittys feel better soon!
Thank you Heather.
In general I try to draw as much by hand as possible, but it takes time with all the scanning and stuff so lately I've only posted vectot drawings here. I make mine in Illustrator sometimes adding details of photos too.
the first picture is just so feminine and cute.
The poor babies. And poor YOU with a bed-wetting kitty. Hope Pekka-cat is healing well.
Getting better? Good news. Kisses.
Poor cone-cats! Take care of them now! :)
I like the outfit very much...shoes matching to tights are never wrong! :-)
Thank you all for the getting well wishes :)
Pekka is doing a lot better but it's really hard (read:impossible) to get him to eat the special food...
no animal likes cones... so hope he gets well soon!
I like the skirt you've drawn, very nice! Good to hear Pekka is doing a bit better :)
I, like many others, really like your illustrations! Do you just have it as a hobby or do you sell them aswell?
Hope your black cat recovers soon!
Nice to hear you little one is feeling better (and probably devastated about the cone). I'm so jealous that you saw Teddy and the Tigers. They are awesome! Or were they any good live?
I'm happy for your babies!
I love your drawings too! they have personality and style, really lovely!
I'm happy for your babies!
I love your drawings too! they have personality and style, really lovely!
Poor kitties. I laughed so loud when I saw that picture though, I can imagine they feel very undignified.
Is first drawing of an ensemble you wore?
The Invasion of the Cone Cats - sounds like a horror film! Poor kitties, I hope they feel better soon.
Oh, I feel for you with the kitty nursing, I was nursing my kitty back to health for a month, I hope your cat gets better much faster than that, I send you all love and healing thoughts.
I awarded your blog! Klikkaa itsesi siis blogiini, siellä lisätietoa ja palkinto! (:
This illustration is adorable. A nght out is pretty much always better than a night in.
Linn Ekholm : I work with graphic design but I do quite few illustrations professionally. Someone once suggested I'd sell soem of these on etsy but I'm not really sure (since it's just pictures of me in different outfits..)
Mrs.Munster : THey were pretyy good actually but they sure looked old, you can age a lot in 28 yearas apparently! Or actally mostly the singer, the others just looked like someone's nice middleaged dad :)
Grant : Yes, I wore it to the gig. It's one of my trashy Diva dresses.
Kisu : Oh wow, kiitos!
Voi sentään. Mikä Pekkaa vaivaa? On surkeaa kun kissat sairastaa.
Pikaista paranemista Pekalle!
You're so talented - I really love your drawings
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