You know I always visit each and every blog of yours through the comments you leave me, even though I may not always comment back. Thats if I don't have anything smart to say. And as said before, I have a terrible lot of things to do, so sometimes it may take me shamelessly long to answer an email of yours. But eventually it will happen :)
Now I'm off for a wedding elsewhere, but keep you eyes open in the near future since there will be more giveaways and treats coming up...
But until then, have a lovely weekend everybody!
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Cherry Goes Chinoise
Photo : S.Korhonen
Hair & Make-up : Karoliina Purala
Post Production : Yours truly
Such a beautiful colored corset! Love it.
Glad to know you have that many followers. I'm pretty sure you have much more readers as I take it from me: I read your blog for more than a year before I even comment anything.
Congrats on the blog!
Wow, congratulations!
Totally deserved, this is a fantastic blog. I remember when I found it a couple of years ago and thinking 'O.M.G, This girl is amazing'.
Keep it up, I always enjoy peek into your glamorous world!
Congratulations!! I love your blog and follow it for a long time now but not alaways comment back. Have a nice week end and see you!
Congratulations! Your blog is so wonderful that you deserve thousands more followers!
Congratulations! You are so beautiful and talented, I'm not surprised that you have so many followers :)
AAAA! Love this photo ! Amazing !!! You look so georgeous ! :) Your're blog is beautiful and I need to read it every day ! I'm addicted to Freelancer's Fashionblog ;*
ooh you look STUNNING in that corset!!!
onneksi olkoon lukijamaarasta (ei kylla ole mikaan ihme:)
I am over joyed that I found you! I am inspired. You are lovely and I mean in an authentic way. I look forward to visiting future posts. Thank you for being you! http://lara-serbin.blogspot.com/
Lindaaaaa !!!
Suas fotos são incríveis !!!
Congrats ! Hope you celebrated witha glass of champagne ! You look divine in this picture - like a true burlesque queen ! ;)
It's an honor to be one of your followers :).
Very nice pic!
I always enjoy your blog posts. You've earned all of your followers by having an awesome blog.
Oh yay! Me too! But yours is no surprise... I read your blog every time, though I seem to never comment... sorry about that :( xx
No wonder your amazing! x x
That is an amazing picture of you. Just fantastic. Congratulations on so many followers. That's a wonderful thing.
Have a great weekend, my dear and I am always honored when you visit my blog.
Fantastic!And well deserved!!
Love that pic-HOTNESS!!
This is such a gorgeous picture! I would hang it in my house for sure. You're gorgeous.
Congratulations! That's mighty impressive!
i love that blue corset! looks absolutely beautiful.
so beautifull - you know how I adore brulesque, this is pic is flawless for me!
congrats with all your followers
An amazing picture - like a breeze from old Shanghai in the 30's!
This picture is gorgeous! You are so awesome!
Congratulations! Although I'm hardly surprised because your blog is fantastic, in fact I would have to say that it's definitely my favourite.
Please don't ever stop blogging! :)
luces muy sensual, y cute!
en ole kerennyt pitkään aikaan lukemaan blogeja, olipa kiva palata tänne (treenaan englantia :'D ).
täällä on aina kauniita asioita :)
ja miusta on jotenkin hauskaa, kun meillä on ihan samannäköinen kissa kotona kuin sinulla :) alkaa olla jo aika vanha vain, ja raihnainen..
Congratulations! Feel free to visit my blog page at http://bysandraazwan.blogspot.com
with love,sandra azwan
voisitko kertoa joskus vaikka ihan postauksen muodossa tms., että miten päädyit burleskin pariin? :)) se olisi tosi mielenkiintoista kuultavaa. entä mikä olet koulutukseltasi? entä onko sinulla ikinä päivää, jolloin et laittaisi tukkaa / meikkaisi / pitäisit esim. kulahtanutta villapaitaa ja verkkareita?
congrats! your very interesting so it's just easy to read what you have been up to.
Yay, congratulations! And gorgeous picture :) Such a beautiful corset!
Keep up the good work
What a gorgeous photo! Congratulations :)
Hei muru, poistin sen vanhan blogin johon ei riittänyt inspis ja aloitin uuden, hivenen mielenkiintoisemmalla aiheella ;)
Uauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu sexy sexy sexy pin up girl!
This is a really beautiful picture! Even though you always have such images in your blog :)
That's a beautiful photo and you look amazind :)! This somehow instantly reminded me of a lovely vintage postcard I treasure, here's a link to the picture: http://www.flickr.com/photos/finevanbrooklyn/1032272591/in/set-72157601262877192/
Oh gosh! I just love this photo. It's perfect. I really really love your blog. I'm so glad you have done so well with your blog and have so many followers. Well done sweets.
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