Friday 4 January 2013


If you ever wondered where a slave to the details comes from it is form this song!

This was my all-time favorite song for many years, many years ago.
When I studied in Budapest we had this record on repeat night after night, while drinking red wine, painting our nails and smoking out of the window of our apartment on Fó utca. I just realized it has been such a long time since I have last listened to Interpol and this is an instant Budapest flashback for me, but also of my life in general in the early and mid 00's; small apartments around town, bleached hair, pale summer mornings and cold Helsinki nights, cigarette smoke.


Kstylick said...

I love this video! :)

Thursday said...

Their album Our Love to Admire always reminds me of Japan, as it came out whilst I was living there. I used to listen to it whilst waiting for the fog to lift from the mountains:)

Anonymous said...

When have you studied in Budapest? And what? Do you speak Hungarian?
I think it was excited:D

És tetszett neked Budapest?

Tinker Bell said...

Ja jag vet precis :) Man vill ju inte tillbaks i tiden, inte egentligen, men ibland blir man så himla fånigt nostalgisk när man tänker på just den tiden, början på 2000-talet. Oj, oj. :)

Claire said...

such a fab tune!!

The Freelancer's FashionBlog said...

Thursday: :)

Aonymous: Szeretem Budapest! I studied there in 2003, at MIE (the iparmüvészeti egyetem), which is MOME nowadays I think, and did learn some Hungarian. Easier than for the rest as the grammar is very simmilar to Finnish. Not the words or spelling though. I have forgotten most of my vocabulary now as I haven't really gotten around to use any afterwards...

Tinker Bell: jepp!

The Freelancer's FashionBlog said...

Thursday: :)

Aonymous: Szeretem Budapest! I studied there in 2003, at MIE (the iparmüvészeti egyetem), which is MOME nowadays I think, and did learn some Hungarian. Easier than for the rest as the grammar is very simmilar to Finnish. Not the words or spelling though. I have forgotten most of my vocabulary now as I haven't really gotten around to use any afterwards...

Tinker Bell: jepp!

Kstylick said...

I want to recommend this video to my friends. :)