Shoes - Stefanel
Hair bow - Vintage
Top - basic tee altered by me
Necklace - etsy /Untamed Menagerie
Tights - who knows, but they have a really nice dark green colour..
Yesterday I went to the Opening of Helsinki Design Week. Black was the colour of the night for me (and as most often when it comes to happenings involving the word "design" it was also the colour of the night for about 90 % of the rest of the people there *). Afterwards K and I stopped by a party held by a magazine but we arrived too late and the free drinks were already out. Damn!
But talking about black, my new (not that new! No shoppig for me now remember!) black skirt btw is a good solution to this dilemma.
(Ehrm, the little table in the back is new though. Or, it's really old but it's new for me that is. I did have a need for a little table of such kind for my magazines. I bought it from a charityshop for a few coins and anyway, furnitrue doesn’t count as shopping !)
*) Which made think of one evening when I studied in Budapest and was learning hungarian. One of the first scentences I fully understood was one that I overheard at a party at our school. A guy was asking two arty girls " why oh why do all art students always wear black?" (Dude, it's becuse it's the most stylish colour! ) Hah, such a cliché but still quite true. The same applied to design school at home as well. (Or the architect students, not to forget them. Oh, the good ol' black turtleneck.. :)
The dress is perfect! Looks like made for you!
Nadine : oh thank you :)
What an absolutely divine outfit. Dark green is my absolute favourtie colour.
Fleur de Guerre : thank you! I relly like dark green too even if I quite seldom wear it in the end...
I went to art school and black-wearing was not a phenomenon, so I wonder if the black-wearers are mostly in applied arts, design and architecture? Or perhaps it's because mine was an indie art school :). Anyway, you look great, as always! And I'm envious that you studied in Budapest, I love it.
Vasiliisa : Yes I think it actually applies more to design-related arts. I studied painting for a year in totally boho-school and the black-phenomenon was not really noteable there either :)
åh, precis som vanligt ser du fantastisk ut! Gillas skarp att bryta av med färgade strumpbyxor. Halsbandet är också superfint! har själv kikat på hennes etsy-sida!
OOH! That dress does look like it was made for you!!! it fits very well!
Vintage bow make you look so special.
You look very stylish as always and I love what you did to your top!
I love the black and the green together!
Nice combination! Like the table as well.
I once was told that the reason so many designey people wear black is because they work so much with colour - and so want to stay neutral or something. Or maybe that was just an excuse? :)
Perfect for u, i like your tattos
I love that outfit... but what I really adore is that necklace. :D
You are my hero number one :o
Your style is PERFECT. I really enjoy reading your posts, keep up the good work! :)
You really look lovely!
Ah olisin niiiiin halunnut tulla tuonne kemuihin, mutta kun asun täällä perämettillä niin ei viitsi ihan joka viikko tulla kinkereihin helsinkiin :( Heti kun muutin sieltä pois niin alko tapahtua! :D niin ja kyllä vaan mulla on oikeasti tuo sama ruskearuudullinen mekko, ei voi käsittää :) Ja beibe olet niin chic jälleen kerran <3
Va kul att du var inne på min blogg och tittade! Ja den där klänningen är en av mina favoriter! den är från blue velvet vintage i californien. Superbra ställe att hitta fina klänningar både vintage och reproduktioner! Tack för tipset om hairbuns, nu måste jag kolla på ebay för det går inte att hitta någon annanstans! Tack! Karin
Eftersom andra skriver på svenska gör jag det med... Tack för att du lade ut den här bilden idag! Imorgon ska jag till en sömmerska och diskutera bröllopsklänning och kjolen din är perfekt. Fast i ljus färg då! Du har verkligen otroligt cool stil, jag kommer fortsätta titta in här. :)
Linn : jo där finns väldigt fina saker!
Heather & Urbanita & Mothersvea & Love Simone & Diana Coronade : Thank you lovelies!
Kitten : yeah and it's a good excuse :)
Turquoisepassion : I love it too, it was the first time I actually wore it, otherwise it has just been around as a decoration...
Ässä : Oh wow, thank you. I'm blushin here on the internet :)
Désirée : Thank you sweetheart!
Olivia Rouge : Varmaan käy niin et me joskus päädytään samaan tilaisuuteen sama mekko päällä :D
Karin : Du får posta en hel massa bilder på fina frisyrer sedan då du fått dina buns!
Sofia : Vad bra att man kan vara till nytta! Klänningen blir säkert fin. Och tack, fortsätt gärna titta in :)
It really looks like a dress, your top and skirt together! Like the dark green tights!
"and as most often when it comes to happenings involving the word "design" it was also the colour of the night for about 90 % of the rest of the people there "
Haha, that's so true!
But, after all, black is a very classy colour, if it's worn as well and interesting as on you;)
A really hot outift.
(that's not a word a use often, but you really looked hot on this one)
you look so pretty as always! And it so true - black is always stylish!
hehe, sorry to hear about the free drinks! And your black skirt looks so nice and swishy.
Oh! I need to dig deep in myu wardrobe and see if I can find my dark green "legs". (i like to call them legs and no one ever knows what im talking about even though I think its cute) It looks good the way you putted it together, all black and then just green on the legs. Gotta try that!
But what I love most are your tatoos. They are amazing! Such a stylecombination!
The dress is beautiful and excellent.
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