Sunday 2 September 2012


Calming down after a little marathon of shouting.

Well yes.
Anyway. I got myself something I wanted in some form for about a decade already; a pinafore dress! Reminding me of the ones I wore as a kid. This one is from Marimekko and has A LOT of pockets.
Just the way I like it. It's a super-practical mommy dress.

The shoes are very very old as you can see (falling apart, but I just can't bare to throw them away), shirt from American Apparel and the red cardigan I got from H&M just because it was  less than five euros, and it's  turning out to be my best cardigan this fall. What do you know.

PS. Dag is wearing my old romper. It makes him look like a candy cane.


Maja said...

I love the first picture! there is so much love in it...

Aourell said...

He's such a cute candy cane :)

Mariela Santillan said...

You look great and so does your baby boy. It's hard to let go of a good pair of shoes.

Play Online Bingo said...

What a cutie! hahahah what a cutie mom and a cutie kid. I want to pinch that baby! how cute!

IlonaJulia said...

such a great blog!
please check our blog out!We are writing first time in english too

M I N G said...

I absolutely adore everything about you. The way you dress, the fact that you're a Mom, your tattoos, your home decorations int he background. You are everything. Stay amazing. <3

Sara Kristiina said...

I agree with M I N G ! You are amazing :) That pinafore is really cute!

Dag is adorable as always :)

Mama D said...

You two are too cute for words :)

Lucia said...

OMG your look adorable both of you. Your hair is beautiful in that color, and that hairdo.

Miss Tallulah Porkchop said...

Dag gets cuter by the post.

Zoë Winters said...

Oh! Too cute! x

Malayka said...

Oh so so cute! Your little man is just adorable and I love the he's wearing your old romper. I have a few baby clothes of mine that I am saving for this little baby and I can't wait to use them. I remember having pinafore dresses like that too when I was young.

Katie Hutchinson said...

You look like cheryl cole so much

Anonymous said...

Your baby is the sweetest candy cane ever :)

Sophie said...

I admire that you can so look great with your hair, make up and outfit as a new mom!!!Your blog is such inspriration, it makes me want to be better at getting my hair and make up done, and putting on a nice outfit. Lets face it I do feel better with a beautiful dress on - then my sweatpants:)

The Freelancer's FashionBlog said...

Sophie : yes that's right. But it is not hard actually. I pretty much do the same make up which takes me less than five minutes to do, and I have my special tricks for hair to get it done fast too :) But of course sometimes if I am not in a hurry to go anywhere and if time is on my side, as in, if Dag sleeps, I have the time to play around with my hair and figure out new fast tricks :)

Dolly Von Sucre said...

You seem to be a very good mother - and very fashionable! :) What a lovely family you have!

Anonymous said...

Love the pinafore, you look great! (must get me one of those myself) And Dag is supercute in that romper!

Must ask also, are you happy with the Smeg-fridge?? Been thinking about getting one, but since they are a bit pricey I was a bit afraid that it's only the design one pays for and not quality...

/ Olivia