Wednesday 26 October 2011


I've been trying to light up the flat again as The Dark Times are approaching - I've already lit up the bedroom lights as you know. It's not yet time for any Christmas lights (although Stockmann already has opened up their Xmas department - AAAAA!) so I try to come up with more neutral ways to cosy it up. And I kind of prefer lights I can leave all year round if I so wish.

The lanterns I hung in the kids' room last year never were that good as led lights give such a cold light. So I went and bought a set of La Case de Cousin Paul lights instead. They are, ladies and gentlemen, interior balls.
As annoying as that may sound and seem they actually are pretty nice! I stumbled across these last year while Christmas shopping and got a set in beige white and silver for my sister. Now I noticed Stockman has them again. Only left in purple turquoise and lilac though and I was a bit disappointed as I had hoped for warmer colours, but mr. 5 year old who was with me told me they were nice (but that only applied to the blue balls; we could put the purple balls in our bedroom).

At home and after dark turns out the lights, regardless of their blue hues, are rather warm and cosy anyway! (The purple lights were also accepted by the boys.)

And now I have complete interior ball mania. More! More!


Unknown said...

Yours look so pretty!!
I wish I hung up lights in my room but I'm too lazy and they would get all ruined anyway haha
Farrah's Muse

Liisa said...

There seems to be more colors in the netstore of Stockmann. And the company itself delivers too, you can even create your own color frenzy there!

Aiju said...

ihanan näköset palleroiset!

Myrtha Meadows said...

Those look really cozy. And now I got this urge to go around to different stores and say to the sales person (preferably a man): "Maybe you could help me. I need interior balls"... ;)

ina said...

I want those! Purple turquoise and lilac could go well with my brown and white curtains don't you think?

ina said...

Hah, got the Potosi colours from Stockmann's webshop! Warmer, probably suits my home better...

The Freelancer's FashionBlog said...

Liisa . good,, I have to check it out!

Miss Meadows : yes, please do that ! And let us know the reaction afterwads :D

Ina : yey! I have to pay the site a visit too now - more balls!

Miss Rascal said...

That looks cozy.

Love the curtains, very cute.